Web Technology

What is the difference between Javascript and JQuery?

What is the difference between Javascript and JQuery?

Javascript is a programming language, jquery is a library or framework that facilitates what you do in javascript, ajax is a way to combine different technologies to do great things,

Ajax = Asincronous javascript and xml, this means that if you want to learn a library as jquery you must start learning javascript, jquery is not a programming language is a library which contains code that facilitates or improves the work in this language, ajax is the same but combines more technologies, usually ajax is used to make applications in real time or without having to reload the page constantly.

jQuery is a library (feature set) available for JavaScript developers to make their lives easier (like the Math object we use for Math.random). jQuery is NOT another language. It’s the same as JavaScript, and you don’t need to use it if you don’t want it.

When jQuery was new (10 years ago), people loved it. It made the JS browser much easier. He taught us some new tricks and made AJAX and animations very simple (which was quite complicated when most of the world was in IE6!).

Then came The Era of the Smartphone. This is a disaster spelled for jQuery. Thanks to the slower and lower CPUs with less memory and often less bandwidth, smartphones simply did not work to load with all the goodness that jQuery provided, especially if it only used 10% of it.

Today, browsers have agreed on some of the things that jQuery The Negotiator had been helping them from the beginning. So actively and quickly trimmed the fat.

jQuery is a JavaScript container, with a lot of pre-written functionality and DOM traversin.

Then came The Era of the Smartphone. This is a disaster spelled for jQuery. Thanks to the slower and lower CPUs with less memory and often less bandwidth, smartphones simply did not work to load with all the goodness that jQuery provided, especially if it only used 10% of it.

Today, browsers have agreed on some of the things that jQuery The Negotiator had been helping them from the beginning. So actively and quickly trimmed the fat.

jQuery is a JavaScript container, with a lot of pre-written functionality and DOM traversin.

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